16 Sept 2015

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | Exam Shouters.IN

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is one of the leading space science and space research Technology Company involved in the design and development of space transportation and satellites. It is governed by Department of science, Government of India. It serves our country in different fields such as television broadcast, telecommunication, meteorological applications etc.

indiuan space reserach organisation isro

There is a very good engineering research section which concentrated to development of higher efficiency cryo engines, air breathing propulsion, satellite based navigation system, hyper spectral imaging sensors etc. ISRO have wide job opportunities for the posts of scientists and engineers mainly for young Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) or Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) graduates (Mechanical, electronics, Computer Science, Electrical, Refrigeration and A/C etc). This post contains the Various ISRO centers, selection procedure and ISRO previous year scientist or engineers with answer keys.

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Different ISRO Centers

Mainly Indian Space Research Organization has different divisions in India. The Department of Space and ISRO Headquarters (HQ) is located in Bengluru. Other ISRO centers are Vikaram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), SDSC SHAR, ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC),IPRC Mahendragiri, Space Applications Centre (SAC), National Remote Sensing (NRSC), ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC), ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU), Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU), Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Physical Research Laboratory (NARL), Master Control Facility (MCF), North Eastern-Space Applications centre (NESAC), Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) and Antrix Corporation Limited. The main recruitment of Scientists/Engineers posts are through both ICRB and VSSC.

ISRO Selection Procedure

You can find latest recruitment notices or notifications in employment newspapers or main website career section. Most of the engineers called for Scientists/Engineers “SC” posts with pay band of 15600-39100/- rupees including the grade pay (Rs.5400/-).

To apply for any post in ISRO, you should go to the ISRO website (www.isro.gov.in) and click on the career section. Here you can find the current job vacancies, eligibility, time period of application etc. Once you find the job vacancies, fill online application form contained in the post link. Then you will get a registration number, which should note down for future reference of your application.
Note: Candidate should have B.E/B.Tech or equivalent First Class degree with minimum 65% of marks.

ISRO also have application processing fee (Rs.100/- per application). When you complete the online application form, your challan form will generate. Take printout of your challan and pay through State bank of India in between the given time period. The SBI keeps the bank copy part of the challan and other two parts return to candidate by entering the journal number. The ISRO copy sends to the address mentioned in the post notifications.

The qualified candidates called for written test will conducted on various locations in India and that also mentioned in the notifications. The candidates who score marks higher than the ISRO cutoff mark called for personal interview and candidate should score minimum 60% score in interview for considering them to final section.

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