Welcome to Exam Shouters and you are going to see MEO Class 4 Motor written questions and answers here. Class IV Motor written paper is also called as Marine Engineering Knowledge (Motor). EKM (Engineering Knowledge Motor) is short name of the written exam paper. Here, you can see real MEO Class 4 objective question papers with their solutions. You have to go through each questions for learning Marine Engineering Knowledge (EKM) paper. If you have any doubts feel free to comment us.
MEO – Marine Engineering Officer; COC – Certificate of Competency
MEO Class 4 Motor Written question paper is part of MEO exam or COC exam conducted by DG Shipping of India. Mercantile Marine department is carrying out the MEO Exam for various engineering officers positions like Class 4, Class 2 and Class 1 Engineers. For MEO Class 4 exam contains two parts; 6 written papers and 4 orals papers. You can apply for Class 4 exam after meeting eligibility requirements.
Here, I am going to share Motor (EKM) paper of MEO Class 4 objective questions and answers. These are the previously asked Class 4 written exam questions from 2013 – 2018. Most of them are repeating in consecutive years of written exams. So, by referring these motor written question papers, you can easily crack the questions.
Recommend: You have to do around 500 questions for each of the MEO class 4 exam papers. It will helps to get cracking the Class IV written exam easily.
MEO Class 4 Motor (EKM) Objective Questions and Answers
It contains previously asked 50 motor objective questions. Scroll down to bottom to get answers.
1. The lube oil pump used in a diesel engine is a
A. volute pump
B. centrifugal pump
C. diaphragm pump
D. gear pump
2. Shaft tunnel requires
a) Drain
b) Escape trunk
c) Water tight door
d) All the above
3. Modern marine turbochargers use a ___________ type of compressor
A. Radial flow
B. Axial flow
C. Mixed flow
D. Turbulent flow
4. Which of these fuel oil impurities can cause maximum abrasive damage?
A. Water
B. Ash
C. Catalytic fines
D. Sodium
5. Labyrinth seal fitted on the back surface of a compressor wheel of a turbocharger:
A. Prevents bearing lube oil contamination
B. Prevents bearing lube oil being sucked into the air stream
C. Helps to keep the shaft cool by controlled leakage of air
D. None of the above
6. Exhaust Grouping is required in case of ______________ turbocharging in order to -
A. Constant pressure, prevents shockwave generation
B. Pulse pressure, prevent interference with scavenging of other cylinders
C. Constant pressure, prevent interference with scavenging of other cylinders
D. Pulse pressure, prevents shockwave generation
7. In modern marine 2-stroke diesel engines, ________________ is sometimes used as a
Coating on the underside of the exhaust valve disc, to reduce the rate of hot corrosion.
A. Monel
B. Chromium
C. Inconel
D. Cermet
8. If the boiler tubes are scaled on the water side then
A. Heat conduction through the tubes will be very high leading to rapid evaporation
B. The boiler furnace can get damaged due to excessive temperatures
C. The surface of the tube will be overheated as heat transfer is impaired
D. The natural circulation of water within the boiler will be more efficient
9. Sudden stop of diesel engine (multiple choices)
A. air in system
B. water in system
C. air filter chocked
D. water in air filter
10. How is the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the feed water of an auxiliary boiler maintained at acceptable limits?
A. Feed water is cycled through a DC heater.
B. Feed water is treated with phosphates.
C. Oxygen is liberated in the three-stages of feed water preheating.
D. Oxygen is liberated by maintaining the highest practical feed water temperature
11. In a bypass type filtering system for a medium or high speed diesel engine, the lube oil bypassing the filter
A. returns directly to the suction side of the pump
B. returns directly to the sump
C. flows to the engine bearings
D. flows through a second-stage strainer, reheater, and returns to the sump
12. Which of the following statements is true, about slow speed engines?
A. A scavenge fire can lead to a crankcase explosion
B. A scavenge fire can lead to deformation of diaphragm plate
C. A scavenge fire can lead to damage to tie rods.
D. All of the above.
13. A large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine uses sea water to directly cool the
A. cylinder heads
B. exhaust valves
C. scavenging air
D. injectors
14. In a 2-stroke marine diesel engine if the o-ring for Jacket cooling water sealing is leaking then
A. The water will leak directly into the crankcase
B. The water will leak into the under piston space
C. The water will come out through tell-tale hole provided between the two o-rings
D. The water will come out from the top of cylinder jacket
15. Irregular circumferential wear of liner due to diminishing neutralizing capacity of cylinder oil away from lubricating holes is known as:
A. Micro seizure
B. Scuffing
C. Scoring
D. Clover leafing
16. The muffling of exhaust gas noise in 4 stroke auxiliary engines in achieved by (Multiple Choices)
A. Allowing the gas to expand.
B. Change the direction of their flow.
C. Cool the gas with injected water.
D. Cool the gas with scavenge air.
17. Any steering gear system alarm can only be successfully acknowledged from
A. The bridge
B. The engine control room
C. The steering compartment
D. The ship's office
18. To avoid the engine running too long on critical speed during startup it is necessary to
A. Start at speeds above critical speed.
B. Start at speeds just below critical speed and quickly move across the critical speed.
C. Start at maximum speed and quickly bring down to just above critical speed.
D. Eliminate totally the hazards of critical speed by ignoring it.
19. Some 4-stroke engines are fitted with a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For what reason?
A. Rotate the inlet valve during operation.
B. Distribute the exhaust gas or the air inlet better to improve combustion.
C. Improve the scaling surface function, increase the service time of the exhaust valve in the engine
D. To prevent the valve spindle from sticking
20. What do you mean by surge limit of a turbocharger?
A. Characteristic curve of a turbocharger
B. Portion of compressor characteristic curve which lies on the left side of the point of maximum pressure
C. A line joining all the points of maximum pressure on compressor characteristic curves , drawn at various speeds of operation
21. The advantage of tie rods over an engine without tie rods is that:
A. The engine is very easily aligned after any misalignment has taken place between different components of the engine
B. The engine doesn’t require thrust pads for transmission of thrust to the ship’s hull as the same is being taken care of by the tie rods
C. The engine components are much lighter leading in overall reduction is engine weight with a high power generation with the elimination of fatigue stresses
D. There are no advantages of engines with tie rods, because tie rods require regular maintenance and replacement like connecting rods and overall engine becomes more expensive to operate
22. It is a known fact that centrifugal pumps require priming for pumping liquids, as they cannot handle air and will lose suction due to air entry . But on the other hand T/Cs use centrifugal compressors for supercharging. Which of the following do you think makes a centrifugal compressor to pump air and behave differently than the centrifugal pumps?
A. Presence of air cooler
B. Presence of Labyrinth seal
C. High speed of rotation, very fine internal clearances and large impeller diameters
D. Difference in principle of operation
23. If the combustion control system of an automatically fired auxiliary boiler fails to sustain burner ignition after a normal shutdown, you should check for a/an
A. faulty photocell detector
B. low steam pressure
C. high voltage on the ignition electrode
D. open air damper
24. What is meant by elastohydrodynamic lubrication?
A. Formation of hydrodynamic film under high pressure with minor elastic deformation of mating surfaces, distributing load over a greater area
B. Addition of extreme pressure additive (EP) to the lubricant
C. Addition of Viscosity index improvement additive
D. Addition of elastomer based additives
25. Which of the following statements is false?
A. Oxidation of lubricant leads to decrease in its viscosity
B. Formation of oxidation acids, sulfuric acid leads to depletion of TBN of lubricant
C. Contamination with water will lead to decrease in the load carrying capacity of a lubricant.
D. Buildup of insolubles will lead to increase in viscosity of a lubricant
26. Which of the following is a reasonable statement about water washing of turbine side of a T/C ?
A. It leads to thermal shock and reduces the life of the T/C
B. It leads to thermal shock and not so effective as solid washing
C. If properly carried out keeping rpm, load, temperature limits & other factors into account; it is quite safe and more effective than solid washing
D. It should never be carried out as most of the engine manufacturers recommend against the same
27. Fins are installed on the generating tube surfaces in waste heat boilers to
(A) Prevent soot fires in the exhaust system
(B) Prevent exhaust gas erosion of the tubes
(C) Increase the velocity of exhaust gas flow
(D) Increase the rate of heat transfer
28. Which of the following conditions is responsible for the fuel oil to atomize when using a steam atomizer in an auxiliary boiler?
A. Expansion of the steam in the furnace.
B. Expansion of the steam in the whirling chamber.
C. Expansion of the steam in the orifice plate.
D. All of the above.
29. After prolonged operation, jerk type fuel pumps wear on the top edge of plunger and edges of spill ports and helix due to erosion by high pressure fuel as it spills. This wear would result in
A. Late start of injection and early end of injection
B. Early start of injection and late end of injection
C. Early start of injection and early end of injection
D. Late start of injection and late end of injection
30. Which standards govern the specifications for supply of Residual Marine Fuels and
Distillate Marine Fuels onboard merchant ships?
A. ISO 3012:1999
B. ISO 3648:1996
C. ISO 8216-1:2010
D. ISO 8217:2010
31. The purpose of an air cooler in a supercharging system is to:
A. Reduce temperature of supercharged air in order to condense and remove maximum possible moisture from the air prior entry to the engine
B. Reduce the temperature of the supercharged air in order to increase the density & also to cool down below dew point to remove moisture from air prior entry to the engine
C. Cool supercharged air to increase its density such that the dew point is not reached to avoid entry of moisture into the engine
D. Cool supercharged air to increase its density and also to keep the peak temperature and exhaust gas temperature within limits
32. Which of the following is a disadvantage of water as cooling medium for pistons, when compared to oil?
A. Chemical treatment is required
B. Higher thermal stresses in piston
C. Piston of more complicated design
D. All of the above
33. Where boiler point temp high?
A) Riser
B) Superheater
C) Primary steam drum
D) Secondary steam drum
34. Which of the following statements correctly describes the phenomenon of surging in a
2-stroke crosshead type engine?
A. Due to sudden increase in engine load the exhaust gases may flow back through scavenge ports causing surge
B. Due to sudden decrease in engine load the turbocharger pressure ratio drops. This causes high pressure downstream of T/C in scavenge trunk causing flow reversal of scavenge air
C. Due to sudden increase in engine load, the T/C turbine rpm may increase suddenly increasing the compressor pressure ratio to surge
D. Due to sudden decrease in engine load, the turbocharger may stall as the higher pressure downstream in exhaust system may cause reversal of flow of exhaust gases
35. Steam temperature control for the ESD-II boiler is achieved by:
A. Fitting a de-superheater between 1st & 2nd passes of superheater
B. Fitting an attemperator between 1st & 2nd passes of superheater
C. Gas dampers in boiler uptake
D. Bypassing the superheater
36. The coating which is provided on the valve stem of exhaust valves of modern marine diesel engines is of:
A. Nickel
B. Stellite
C. Chromium
D. Nimonic
37. ESD stands for which type of boiler
A. External superheater D-type
B. Emergency shutdown Boiler
C. Extreme Superheat type
D. External Superheat De-superheater type
38. In comparison to exhaust valves, intake valves of diesel engines may be fabricated from low-alloy steels because
A. the beveled edges of the intake valves provide forself-centering during seating
B. intake valves utilize stellite-coated valve seat insertswhich reduce wear
C. the volume of air passing through intake valves is less than the volume of air passing through exhaust valves
D. intake valves are less affected to the corrosive action of exhaust gases
39. Why is it essential to renew turbocharger bearings after a preset number of hours of running even if the bearings are in seemingly perfect condition?
A. Because they are prone to failure due to prolonged exposure to high temperature conditions.
B. Because they are subject to cyclic loading and are prone to failure due to metal fatigue.
C. It is not essential to renew if condition monitoring suggests perfect condition.
D. Lube oil contamination is bound to occur and affect the condition of the bearings.
40. To check the setting of the over speed trip on a diesel powered generator, you would use a
A. tachometer
B. torsion meter
C. dynamometer
D. pony brake
41. Which of the following is an example of a solid bearing?
A. Piston pin bushing
B. Turbo-generator turbine bearing
C. Spring bearing
D. Thrust bearing
42. Function of a de-superheater is to.
A. Protect superheater from overheat
B. Control superheater steam outlet temperature
C. Increase the efficiency of the boiler
D. Reduce steam temperature for auxiliary uses after steam superheater
43. Which of the following specifications/qualities of cylinder oils counter corrosive wear?
A. Viscosity
C. Detergency
D. Specific gravity
44. Marine boilers burning H.F.O. face a problem of cold corrosion due to high sulphur content. The minimum flue gas temperature within any boiler part is kept above due point of H2SO4. The actual dew point of H2SO4 in flue gases depends on the:
A. Boiler furnace temperature
B. Ambient air temperature
C. Boiler operating pressure
D. HFO sulphur content and moisture in combustion air
45. If an operating auxiliary boiler has a water pH reading of 7, you should
A. bottom blow the boiler
B. treat the water with caustic soda
C. treat the water with chemical scavengers
D. reduce the water alkalinity to recommended readings
46. For a two stroke engine two o-rings are provided on the liner. The function of the top
o-ring is to ___________ and function of the lower o-ring is to ____________
A. Seal jacket cooling water; act as secondary seal in case 1st o-ring leaks
B. Seal jacket cooling water, Seal scavenge air
C. Seal scavenge air, Seal Jacket cooling water
D. Seal combustion gases, Seal jacket cooling water
47. In case of 2-stroke marine diesel engines, the top part of the liner forming the combustion chamber experiences very high pressure induced mechanical stresses as well as high thermal stresses. Which of the following is a correctly designed liner for catering both the above stresses?
A. Thick top portion with jacket cooling to take care of both the high mechanical and thermal stresses
B. Thick top portion to take care of high mechanical stresses while bore cooling to reduce thermal gradients
C. Thin top portion to reduce thermal gradients and hence thermal stresses while supporting ribs to take care of mechanical stresses
D. Thick top portion to take care of high mechanical stresses with jacket cooling combined with allowance for thermal expansion to minimize the thermal stresses
48. Crank web deflection readings will give a positive indication of
A. worn main bearing journals
B. torsional stress deformation
C. slack thrust bearings
D. bearing shells shim dimensions
49. Prior to lighting off a cold automatically fired auxiliary boiler, you should
A. check and regulate the water level
B. close the air cock once fires are lit
C. blow down the gage glass
D. crack the steam stop to assure protective steam flow
50. Sudden stop of diesel engine (Multiple Choices)
A. air in system
B. water in system
C. air filter chocked
D. water in air filter
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