21 Aug 2015

RRB SSE/JE Free Mock Test Paper 2015 with Answer Keys

rrb sse/je free mock test question papers

Do you got the free mock test paper for railway recruitment board (RRB) examination? This post contains the RRB senior section engineer (SSE) or junior engineer mock question paper 2015 with answer keys. This mock test is published by railway recruitment board. You can follow the free mock test paper for better understanding of  rrb competitive exam pattern and difficulty level of the exam.

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This free mock test question paper contains the 150 objective questions and their answer keys. It contains questions of different sections such as professional knowledge, general science, general awareness, current affairs, quantitative aptitude, logical and reasoning question types. You should go through this mock test paper for plan your rrb exams of different zones such as chennai, trivandrum, mumbai, bangalore etc. If you want to take this mock test paper online, follow this link.
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Related Mock Test: RRB SSE/JE 2015 Mock Question Papers-2 with Answer keys

Solved RRB SSE/JE Mock Question Papers

1 . When we open an internet site, we see ‘www’ ? What is the full form of ‘www’ ?

(A) World Wide Web

(B) World Wide Word

(C) World Wise Web

(D) None of these

Answer : A

2 . The length of two trains are 140 m and 160 m respectively. If they run at the speed of 60 km/h and 40 km/h respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks, then find the time in which they will cross each other.

(A) 10 sec

(B) 10.8 sec

(C) 9 sec

(D) 9.6 sec

Answer : A

3 . Transformer cores are laminated in order to:

(A) Minimise eddy current loss

(B) Reduce cost

(C) Simplifiy its constructions

(D) None of these

Answer : B

4 . Strain gauge is used to convert :

(A) Force in to displacement

(B) Mechanical displacement in to change in resistance

(C) Electric current in to mechanical displacement

(D) Sound Energy in to Electric energy

Answer : B

5 . If an object lies in third quadrant, its position with respect to reference planes will be:

(A) Infront of VP, Above HP

(B) Behind VP, Above HP

(C) Infront of VP, Below HP

(D) Behind VP, Below HP

Answer : D

6 . The speed of sound in air is approximately equal to :

(A) 3x 108 m/s

(B) 330 m/s

(C) 5000 m/s

(D) 1500 m/s

Answer : B

7 . When Ram and Mohan work together, they complete a work in 4 days. If Ram alone can complete this work in 12 days then in how many days Mohan alone can complete this work ?

(A) 10 days

(B) 8 days

(C) 6 days

(D) 16 days

Answer : C

8 . Which of the following is a prime number ?

(A) 33

(B) 87

(D) 93

(D) 97

Answer : D

9 . Find the missing term of the following series :

1, 4, 27, 16, ___, 36, 343.

(A) 25

(B) 216

(C) 64

(D) 125

Answer : D

10 . Which country won the FIFA world cup, 2014 in Football?

(A) Germany

(B) Argentina

(C) Brazil

(D) France

Answer : A

11 .  The slenderness ratio of a compression member is :

(A) Effective length/least radius of gyration

(B) Actual length/Moment of inertia

(C) Moment of inertia/Actual length

(D) Actual length/radius of gyration

Answer : A

12 . Who is the speaker of present Lok Sabha ?

(A) Smt. Sumitra Mahajan

(B) Smt. Sushama Swaraj

(C) Smt. Meira Kumar

(D) None of these

Answer : A

13 . The value of binary 1111 is

(A) 23

(B) 23-1

(C) 24

(D) 24-1

Answer : D

14 . Who is the winner of Mens singles Title in Tennis in US open, 2014 ?

(A) Roger Federer

(B) Kei Nishikori

(C) Marin Cilic

(D) Rafael Nadal

Answer : C

15 .  In which of the following movement did Gandhiji make the first use of Hunger Strike as a weapon ?

(A) Ahmedabad strike, 1918

(B) Rowlatt Satyagraha, 1919

(C) Swadeshi Movement, 1905

(D) Champaran Satyagraha, 1917

Answer : D

16 . Who wrote the book “Not just an Accountant” published recently ?

(A) P.C. Prakash

(B) Sanjay Baru

(C) Vinod Rai

(D) Natwar Singh

Answer : C

17 .  The length of a bar is L metres. It extends by 2mm when a tensile force F is applied. Find the strain produced in the bar :

(A) 0.002/L

(B) 2/L

(C) 0.2/L

(D) L/0.002

Answer : A

18 . A four stroke petrol engine theoretically operates on :

(A) Joule cycle

(B) Otto cycle

(C) Brayton cycle

(D) Bell coleman cycle

Answer : B

19 . Find the value of (2744)1/3 :

(A) 24

(B) 14

(C) 34

(D) 16

Answer : B

20 . A man buys an article for Rs 490 and sells it for Rs 465.50. Find his loss percentage.

(A) 4%

(B) 4.5%

(C) 5%

(D) 5.5%

Answer : C

21. If the cost of ‘x’ metres of wire is ‘d’ rupees, then what is the cost of ‘y’ metres of same wire ?

(A) yd/x

(B) xd/y

(C) yx/d

(D) d/xy

Answer : A

22 . One side of a rectangular field is 15 metres. The length of diagonal of this rectangular field is 17 metres. Find the area of this rectangular field.

(A) 120 m2

(B) 60 m2

(C) 255 m2

(D) 144 ½ m2

Answer : A

23 . ‘When a body is wholly or partially, immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced’. This is known as:

(A) Pascal’s principle

(B) Archimedes principle

(C) Stoke’s law

(D) Newton’s Laws of Motion

Answer : B

24 . Secretion of Insulin Hormone is by :

(A) Thyroid

(B) Pituitary

(C) Adrenal

(D) Pancreas

Answer : D

25 .  Earthworm belongs to which of the following Animal Phyla?

(A) Arthropoda

(B) Mollusca

(C) Annelida

(D) Protozoa

Answer : C

26 . If to, tp, tm are the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time estimates of an activity respectively, then the expected tim ‘t’ of the activity will be:

(A) (to+tp+tm)/3

(B) (to+tp+3tm)/5

(C) (to+tp+2tm)/4

(D) (to+tp+4tm)/6

Answer : D

27 . Find the value of [(768)3 + (232)3)] / [(768)2-(768x232)+(232)2] :

(A) 1000

(B) 536

(C) 500

(D) 268

Answer : A

28 . For perfectly elastic bodies, the value of coefficient of restitution is :

(A) zero

(B) 0.5

(C) 1.0

(D) 0.25

Answer : C

29 . If 1 st January, 2014 was Wednesday, then 29th December, 2014 will be :

(A) Thursday

(B) Monday

(C) Saturday

(D) Friday

Answer : B

30 . The thermal diffusivity of a substance is given by :

(A) Kρ/C

(B) K/ρC

(C) KC/ρ

(D) ρC/K

Answer : B

RRB SSE/JE Previous Year Question Papers

31 . Which of the following is biodegradable pollutant?



(C) Cotton cloth

(D) Mercury

Answer : C

32 . Sachin is younger than Rahul by 4 years. If their ages are in the ratio of 7:9, then how old is Sachin ?

(A) 14 years

(B) 21 years

(C) 18 years

(D) 25 years

Answer : C

33 . Find the value of (1+2+3+4+………………+45) :

(A) 2140

(B) 2070

(C) 1035

(D) 1280

Answer : C

34 . When an object is cut by a section plane, parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP , then the sectional view of the object is obtained in :

(A) Top view

(B) Front view

(C) Left side view

(D) Right side view

Answer : A

35 . The pressure exerted on the walls of a container by a gas is due to the fact that Gas molecules

(A) Stick to the walls of the container

(B) Lose their kinetic energy

(C) Get accelerated towards the wall

(D) Change their momentum due to collision with the wall

Answer : D

36 . Which National Park is known for the ‘Asiatic Lions’ ?

(A) Corbett National Park

(B) Kanha National Park

(C) Bandipur National Park

(D) Gir National Park

Answer : D

37 . Separation of water or sand or cement from a freshly mixed concrete is known as :

(A) Segregation

(B) Creeping

(C) Bleeding

(D) Flooding

Answer : C

38 . The relationship between Bulk density (), Dry density (d) and water content (ω) for soil is :

(A)  = d (1+ ω)

(B) d =  (1+ ω)

(C)  = d /(1- ω)

(D)  = d (1- ω)

Answer : A

39 . Which one of the following instruments will be used for measuring electric current ?

(A) Voltmeter

(B) Ammeter

(C) Ohmmeter

(D) Wavemeter

Answer : B

40 . In a cetain code language ‘HAND’ is written as ‘SZMW’, then what will be the code of ‘MILK’ ?





Answer : C

41 . Find the simple interest on Rs. 4800 at the rate of 8.5% per annum for a period of 2 years and 3 months?

(A) Rs 796

(B) Rs 816

(C) Rs 918

(D) Rs 990

Answer : C

42 . Choose the option which correctly shows the relationship between Modulus of Elasticity (E), Modulus of Rigidity (C), and Bulk Modulus (K)

(A) E = KC/K+C

(B) E = 2KC/2K-C

(C) E = 9KC/3K+C

(D) E = 3KC/K+2C

Answer : C

43 . The term ‘Operating System’ means:

(A) A set of programmes which controls computer working

(B) The way a computer operator works

(C)  Conversion of high level language in to machine level language

(D) None of these

Answer : A

44 . Which of the following is not a cold working process ?

(A) Extrusion

(B) Slitting

(C) Blanking

(D) Lancing

Answer : A

45 . The famous Chinese pilgrim ‘Hieun Tsang’ visited during the reign of :

(A) Harshvardhan

(B) Chandragupta II

(C) Ashoka

(D) Kanishka

Answer : A

46 . The language which a computer can understand is :

(A) High level language

(B) Machine language

(C)  Assembly Language

(D) All of these

Answer : B

47 . The property of a material by which it can be rolled in to sheets is called

(A) Elasticity

(B) Plasticity

(C) Ductility

(D) Malleability

Answer : D

48 . Schmitt trigger is also known as :

(A) Sweep circuit

(B) Blocking oscillator

(C) Squaring circuit

(D) Stable multi vibrator

Answer : C

49 . A triac is a :

(A) Two terminal bi- directional switch

(B) Three terminal bi- directional switch

(C) Two terminal uni- directional switch

(D) Three terminal uni- directional switch

Answer : D

50 . Cyclo converter converts :

(A) AC to DC

(B) DC to AC

(C) A fixed AC to a variable magnitude AC

(D) A fixed DC to a variable magnitude DC

Answer : C

51 . Which one of the following is not a scalar quantity?

(A) Volume

(B) Mass

(C) Force

(D) Length

Answer : C

52 . In a well conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than :

(A) 600

(B) 500

(C) 300

(D) 450

Answer : C

53 . The reduced bearing of a line is N 870 W. Its whole circle bearing is :

(A) 2730

(B) 30

(C) 930

(D) 870

Answer : A

54 . The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle θ, given by:

(A) (P2 + Q2 + 2PQ tanθ) ½

(B) (P2 + Q2 + 2PQ sinθ) ½

(C) (P2 + Q2 + 2PQ cosθ) ½

(D) (P2 + Q2 + 2PQ tanθ)

Answer : C

55 . Primary storage in computer terminology refers to

(A) Hard Disc Drive

(B) Random Access Memory (RAM)

(C)  Read Only Memory (ROM)

(D) The storage device where the operating system is stored.

Answer : C

56 . In an examination, a student gets 4 marks for every correct answer and loses 1 mark for every wrong answer. If he attempts in all 60 questions and secures 130 marks, find the number of questions he attempted correctly.

(A) 42

(B) 48

(C) 36

(D) 38

Answer : D

57 . The fundamental duties of the Indian citizens are incorporated in the following Article of our constitution?

(A) Article 21 A

(B) Article 51 A

(C) Article 370 A

(D) Article 19 A

Answer : A

58 . If (x/y) = (6/5), then find the value of (x2+y2)/(x2-y2) :

(A) 11

(B) 61/11

(C) 11/5

(D) 6

Answer : B

59 . Which device changes the alternating e.m.f generated by the D.C Generator in its armature coil to D.C ?

(A) slip ring

(B) Rectifier

(C) Commutator

(D) None of these

Answer : C

60 . A simply supported beam of length L is loaded with a uniformly distributed load of ω per unit length. The maximum bending moment will be :

(A) ωL2/4

(B) ωL2/8

(C) ωL2/2

(D) ωL2

Answer : B

61 . Jama Masjid at Delhi was built by:

(A) Akbar

(B) Jahangir

(C) Shah Jahan

(D) Aurangzeb

Answer : C

62 . Arrange the fractions 3/5,4/7,8/9 and 9/11 in their descending order

(A)8/9 > 9/11 > 3/5 > 4/7

(B) 9/11 > 8/9 > 4/7 > 3/5

(C) 3/5 > 4/7 > 8/9 >9/11

(D) 4/7 >8/9 > 3/5 > 9/11

Answer : A

63 . Find the average of all prime numbers between 30 and 50

(A) 48

(B) 39

(C) 39.8

(D) 38

Answer : C

64 . A cyclotron is a

(A) Bunch of Gamma Rays

(B) High frequency Oscillator

(C) Particle Accelerator

(D) None of these

Answer : C

65 . Who is the winner of Nobel prize, 2014 in the field of Economics?

(A) Patrick Modiano

(B) Malala Yousafzai

(C) Jean Tirole

(D) Kailash Satyarthi

Answer : C

66 . The Indian Standard Time (I.S.T) is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T) by :

(A) 6 hours

(B)  5 hours

(C) 6 hours 30 minutes

(D) 5 hours 30 minutes

Answer : D

67 . Which of the following processes is generally used for mass production of connecting rod of Automobile Engines?

(A) Sand casting

(B) Cold heading

(C) Forging

(D) Spinning

Answer : C

68 . The load which does not change its magnitude and position with time is called

(A) Live load

(B) Dynamic load

(C) Creep load

(D) Dead load

Answer : D

69 . A byte is group of:

(A) 2 bits

(B) 4 bits

(C) 8 bits

(D) 16 bits

Answer : C

70 . If log8x = , then the value of x is

(A) 16/3

(B) 4/3

(C) 12

(D) 4

Answer : D

71 . _______ will translate the complete programme at once from a high level language to the machine language.

(A) Compiler

(B) Assembler

(C) Joystick

(D) Bus

Answer : A

72 . Pipe ‘P’ can fill a tank in 36 hours and pipe ‘Q’ can fill this tank in 45 hours. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, then how much time will be taken to fill this tank?

(A) 20 hours

(B) 40.5 hours

(C) 9 hours

(D) 42 hours

Answer : A

73 . Find out the term which is different from other terms in the following:

22, 33, 66, 99, 121, 279, 594

(A) 99

(B) 121

(C) 279

(D) 594

Answer : C

74 . A CRO can display:

(A) DC signals only

(B) AC signals only

(C) Both DC and AC signals

(D) Time – invariant signals

Answer : C

75 . The ‘Quit India Movement’ was launched in the year:

(A) 1920 AD

(B) 1930 AD

(C) 1942 AD

(D) 1946 AD

Answer : C

76 . If a thin rectangular plate of 60mm x 30mm is inclined at an angle of 600 to the Horizontal Plane, its top view may be:

(A) Square of 30mm size

(B) Square of 60 mm size

(C) Recatangle of 60mm x 45 mm

(D) Rectangle of 45 mm x 30 mm

Answer : A

77 . A file which contains transient data to be processed in combination with a master file is called :

(A) Sequential file

(B) Master file

(C) Random organization file

(D) Transmission file

Answer : D

78 . Find the missing term of the following series :

BAZ, DYC, FXE,_____, JVI.





Answer : A

79 . Who is the president of China ?

(A) Li Keqiang

(B) Xi Jinping

(C) Shinzo Abe

(D) Hu Jintao

Answer : B

80 . Zeroth law of thermodynamics forms the basis of _______ measurement.

(A) Pressure

(B) Temperature

(C) Work

(D) Momentum

Answer : B

81 . Who wrote ‘Indica’ ?

(A) Kautilya

(B) Kalidasa

(C) Shudraka

(D) Megasthenes

Answer : D

82 . Red rot is a plant disease which affects :

(A) Wheat

(B) Rice

(C) Sugarcane

(D) Cotton

Answer : C

83 . Which one of the following is also known as Red planet ?

(A) Mercury

(B) Venus

(C) Earth

(D) Mars

Answer : D

84 . Find the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock when the time is 10.25 hours i.e. 25 minutes past 10?

(A) 1800

(B) 1650

(C)165  0

(D) 155  

Answer : C

85 . Which of the following Amplifiers produces the least distortion ?

(A) Class A

(B) Class B

(C) Class AB

(D) Class C

Answer : A

86 . What is 15% of 34 kg?

(A) 3.4 kg

(B) 3.75kg

(C) 4.50 kg

(D) 5.10 kg

Answer : D

87 . Who is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu?

(A) O. Panneerselvam

(C) J. Jayalalitha

(C) Karunanidhi

(D) Dayanidhi Maran

Answer : B

88 . Which of the following is a universal gate?



(C) OR


Answer : B

89 . Who is the chairperson of National Commission for Women in India?

(A) Jayanti Patnaik

(B) Girija Vyas

(C) Mamta Sharma

(D) Lalitha Kumaramangalam

Answer : D

90 . BOD (Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand) of safe drinking water must be:

(A) 0

(B) 50 ppm

(C) 100ppm

(D) 200ppm

Answer : A

91 . In an examination, 35 % of the students passed and 455 failed. How many students appeared for the examination?

(A) 700

(B) 1300

(C) 845

(D) 1250

Answer : A

92 . Pointing to a man in a photograph, Asha said, “His mother’s only daughter is my mother”. How is that man related to Asha?

(A) Brother

(B) Maternal Uncle

(C) Grandfather

(D) Father

Answer : B

93 . Galena is an ore of :

(A) Lead

(B) Copper

(C) Aluminium

(D) Iron

Answer : A

94 . Which of the following is a presentation graphics software?

(A) MS Windows

(B) MS Word

(C) MS Excel

(D) MS Power Point

Answer : D

95 . Boyle’s law states that :

(A) The pressure of a gas varies directly with temperature at constant volume i.e. P α T

(B) The product of pressure and volume of a given mass of a gas is constant at constant temperature i.e. PV = constant.

(C) The volume of a gas varies directly with temperature with at constant pressure i.e. V α T

(D) The pressure of a gas varies directly with volume at constant temperature i.e. P α V

Answer : D

96 . Weld spatter is a / an :

(A) Flux

(B) Electrode

(C) Welding defect

(D) None of these

Answer : C

97 . The nucleus of an atom generally contains:

(A) Protons and Neutrons

(B) Protons and Electrons

(C) Electrons and Neutrons

(D) Only Neutrons

Answer : A

98 . The dimensions of a brick are 10 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm. What is the total surface area of this brick ?

(A) 82 cm2

(B) 164 cm2

(C) 120 cm2

(D) 180 cm2

Answer : B

99 . A bullet is fired vertically upwards with a velocity of 196 m/s. What is the maximum height reached by the bullet ?

(A) 1960 m

(B) 196 m

(C) 980 m

(D) 490 m

Answer : A

100 . With which of the following, the intrinsic semi conductor Silicon be doped in order to obtain p-type semi-conductor?

(A) Boron

(B) Phosphorous

(C) Gallium

(D) None of these

Answer : A

101 . Water has its maximum density at:

(A) 00C

(B) 1000C

(C) 500C

(D) 40C

Answer : D

102 . Compiler and interpreters are examples of :

(A) System software

(B) Application software

(C) Both A & B

(D) None of these

Answer : A

103 . ’Giddha’ is a folk dance of :

(A) Punjab

(B) Uttar Pradesh

(C) Assam

(D) Maharashtra

Answer : A

104 . The entropy of universe tends to be:

(A) Minimum

(B) Zero

(C) Average

(D) Maximum

Answer : D

105 . The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning against a wall is 600 i.e. ladder makes an angle of 600 with the ground. The foot of the ladder is 4.6 metres away from the wall. What is the length of this ladder ?

(A) 9.2 m

(B) 2.3 m

(C) 6.9 m

(D) 7.8 m

Answer : A

106 . The total number of bones in the average adult human skeleton is

(A) 350

(B) 206

(C) 115

(D) 540

Answer : B

107 . A 4- pole, 1500 rpm alternator will generate e.m.f at :

(A) 20 Hz

(B) 60 Hz

(C) 40 Hz

(D) 50 Hz

Answer : D

108 . Disinfection of drinking water is done to remove:

(A) Odour

(B) Bacterias

(C) Turbidity

(D) Colour

Answer : B

109 . A conductor of axial length 30 cms carries a current of 100 A and lies at right ange to a magnetic field of strength 0.4 tesla. What is the force exerted on it ?

(A) 10 N

(B) 12 N

(C) 1.2 N

(D) 0

Answer : A

110 . The headquarters of West central Railway is located at:

(A) Jabalpur

(B) Jaipur

(C) Allahabad

(D) Ahmedabad

Answer : B

111 . Ampere Second is the unit of :

(A) Charge

(B) Power

(C) Voltage

(D) Energy

Answer : A

112 . Find the missing term of the following series :

4, 7, 12 ,______, 28, 39.

(A) 17

(B) 18

(C) 21

(D) 19

Answer : D

113 . Identify the city which faced largest scale destructions due to ‘Hudhud’ cyclone recently ?

(A) Chennai

(B) Vishakapatanam

(C) Kolkata

(D) Hyderabad

Answer : A

114 . A gate in which all inputs must be high to get a low output is :

(A) An inverter

(B) AND gate

(C) NOR gate

(D) NAND gate

Answer : D

115 . The area of an equilateral triangle is 24cm2. What is the perimeter of this equilateral triangle?

(A) 96 cm

(B) 4cm

(C) 12cm

(D) 6 cm

Answer : C

116 . Global warming is caused by :

(A) N2

(B) CO2

(C) Ozone

(D) None of these

Answer : B

117 . In sand moulding, the top flask is known as :

(A) Cope

(B) Drag

(C) Check

(D) Fillet

Answer : A

118 . The United Nations Day (U.N. Day) is celebrated every year on :

(A) Dec 26

(B) Nov 14

(C) Sept 5

(D) Oct 24

Answer : D

119 . For which of the following applications, a DC motor is preferred over an AC motor ?

(A) Variable speed operation

(B) High speed operation

(C) Low speed operation

(D) Fixed speed operation

Answer : A

120 . Projection of an object by three views is known as :

(A) Prespective

(B) Oblique

(C) Orthographic

(D) None of these

Answer : C

121 . Fins are provide on heat transferring surface in order to increase :

(A) Heat transfer area

(B) Heat transfer coefficient

(C) Temperature gradient

(D) Mechanical Strength of the equipment

Answer : A

122 . A transformer has 1000 primary turns. It is connected to 250 volts AC supply. Find the number of secondary turns to get secondary voltage of 400 volts

(A) 1600

(B) 625

(C) 100

(D) 1250

Answer : A

123 . Find the L.C.M of 148 and 185.

(A) 680

(B) 740

(C) 2960

(D) 3700

Answer : B

124 . What is the general formula of Alkanes ?

(A) CnH2n+2

(B) CnH2n

(C) CnH2n-2

(D) CnH2n+4

Answer : A

125 . The sum of two numbers is 40 and the difference of these two numbers is 4. Find the ratio of these two numbers

(A) 11:9

(B) 11:18

(C) 22:9

(D) 17:13

Answer : A

126 . ‘The servants of India Society’ was founded by :

(A) Jyotiba Phule

(B) G.K. Gokhale

(C) B.G. Tilak

(D) B.R. Ambedkar

Answer : B

127 . Power loss in a resistor is given by :

(A) P= V2R

(B) P=V/I

(C) P= I2/R

(D) P= V2/R

Answer : D

128 . The pollutant responsible for ozone holes is :

(A) CO2

(B) CO

(C) SO2


Answer : D

129 . With the formation of Telangana, how many states are there in our country now ?

(A) 30

(B) 29

(C) 28

(D) 31

Answer : B

130 . If 22n-1 = =(1/8n-3), then the value of ‘n’ is :

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 0

(D) -2

Answer : B

131 . Goutama Budha delivered his first sermons at:

(A) Kusinagar

(B) Sarnath

(C) Pataliputra

(D) Vaishali

Answer : B

132 . Ravi runs 200 metres in 24 seconds. Find his average speed :

(A) 20 km/h

(B) 24 km/h

(C) 28.5 km/h

(D) 30 km/h

Answer : D

133 . How many terms are there in the following series ?

201, 208, 215, ……., 369

(A) 26

(B)  25

(C) 24

(D) 23

Answer : B

134 . If a point moves in a plane in such a way that the sum of its distances from two fixed points is constant, the curve so traced is called:

(A) Parabola

(B) Ellipse

(C) Hyperbola

(D) All of these

Answer : B

135 . Ammonia is prepared commercially by the :

(A) Oswald process

(B) Hall process

(C) Contact Process

(D) Haber process

Answer : B

136 . Lokpriya Gopinath Bardoloi Internaional Airport is located at:

(A) Jaipur

(B) Banglore

(C) Guwahati

(D) Hyderabad

Answer : C

137 . The elements which have same mass number but different atomic numbers are known as :

(A) Isotones

(B) Isobars

(C) Isotopes

(D) Halogens

Answer : B

138 . Which one of the following is not a Noble Gas ?

(A) Helium

(B) Bromine

(C) Argon

(D) Neon

Answer : B

139 . The BIS code which deals with steel structures is :

(A) BIS : 456

(B) BIS : 800

(C) BIS:875

(D) BIS:1893

Answer : B

140 . To be eligible for elected as President, a candidate must be :

(A) Over 25 years of age

(B) Over 30 years of age

(C) Over 35 years of age

(D) Over 60 years of age

Answer : C

141 . At what temperature, both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales will show the identical readings?

(A) 100 deg

(B) 0 deg

(C) -40 deg

(D) 40 deg

Answer : C

142 . Time constant of a series R-L circuit is:

(A) LR seconds

(B) L/R seconds

(C) L2R seconds

(D) LR2 seconds

Answer : B

143 . A capacitor stores 1 coulomb at 10 volts. Its capacitance is

(A) 1 f

(B) 10 f

(C) 0.1 f

(D) 0.01 f

Answer : C

144 . M.C (Moving Coil) and M.I(Moving iron) type of instruments can be distinguished by their:

(A) Range

(B) Size of terminals

(C) Pointer

(D) Scale

Answer : D

145 . Which of the following flip flops is used as Latch ?

(A) JK flip- flop

(B) RS flip – flop

(C) D flip flop

(D) T flip flop

Answer : B

146 . Identify the disease which is caused due to deficiency of Protein ?

(A) Scurvy

(B) Beri- Beri

(C) Night Blindness

(D) Kwashiorkur

Answer : B

147 . Hopkinson’s test for DC motors is conducted of :

(A) Low head

(B) Half load

(C) Full load

(D) No load

Answer : C

148 . If fitness modulus of sand is 2.5, it is graded as :

(A) Medium Sand

(B) Fine Sand

(C) Coarse sand

(D) Very coarse sand

Answer : B

149 . Large scale deforestation decreases:

(A) Soil erosion

(B) Rain fall

(C) Drought

(D) Global Warming

Answer : B

150 . Hot wire instruments read :

(A) Peak Value

(B) Average value

(C) r.m.s value

(D) None of these

Answer : C

This free mock test question paper is from the rrb official sites and answer keys are prepared by  Exam Shouters members. Thanks to all and have a good luck for your rrb examinations 2015.


  1. Some answers of the question is wrong

  2. the answer of 15 questions is wrong (d) the correct answer is Ahmedabad strike 1918
